Capsule Sponge

What is a Capsule Sponge?

This is a new test introduced in a number of areas in the NHS as it has been proven in clinical trials to be a simple, safe and effective way of diagnosing conditions related to the oesophagus (gullet).

Your GP has referred you for an endoscopy (a test with a camera to examine your gullet and stomach) to understand your current symptoms. We are evaluating the role of Capsulesponge as an innovative alternative to endoscopy which is the usual process for diagnosing these conditions. Therefore, patients on the waiting list for endoscopy that meet specific criteria will be offered the Capsulesponge test instead of endoscopy.

A Capsulesponge is a small capsule on a string. The capsule is a similar size to a vitamin tablet and is made from vegetarian gelatin. The capsule contains a sponge which is designed to collect a sample of cells from your oesophagus (gullet). This will then be tested to find out if there are any cells which are unexpected or abnormal. 

Problems with heartburn and acid reflux are very common but occasionally this can lead to changes in the normal cells that line your oesophagus (gullet).

Very rarely these cells can develop into pre-cancerous or cancerous cells and may lead to oesophageal cancer (cancer of the gullet). When changes to cells are found early it can make any treatment much simpler and the impact on a patient is much less significant.

A Capsulesponge test can help your doctor investigate and manage your symptoms. 

What preparation is required for a Capsule Sponge?

Before your test appointment

  • You should keep taking all your usual medications
  • If you take any blood thinning medication please read the alert for patients on Warfarin on page 7 of this leaflet. If you take Warfarin you will need to have an INR test 7 days before your Capsulesponge test.
  • If you have diabetes please make sure your appointment is a late morning appointment (as you cannot eat or drink for 4 hours before your appointment)
  • If you have any questions about the test or find that you cannot keep your appointment, please contact the clinic using the contact details on your Capsulesponge referral letter. 

On the day of your test

  • You should have nothing to eat or drink for 4 hours before your appointment
  • Take your medication as normal, but with only a little water. Please bring a list of your medications with you to your appointment
  • If you are on blood thinners you will have had separate instructions
  • If you have diabetes please have a light breakfast early in the morning (a minimum of 4 hours before your appointment) and take your usual medication

Further information about Capsule Sponge and what to expect during the procedure can be found here: Capsule Sponge Information Leaflet