Jacobo Ortiz

Jacobo Ortiz works as a Consultant Gastroenterologist at the Nottingham University Hospitals and he is currently Upper GI Endoscopy Lead and Cytosponge Clinical Lead and manages the Barrett’s Unit. He qualified from the University of Navarra, Spain in 2000 and completed his training in Gastroenterology at the Hospital Universitario Central de Asturias (HUCA), Spain in 2008.
His interest in advanced therapeutic endoscopy and Barrett’s started in Amsterdam back in 2008, where he spent three months as an observer at the Academic Medical Centre (AMC). Back to Spain he worked for two years as a Consultant in GI Endoscopy in the Hospital Universitario Central de Asturias (HUCA) and then he moved to Chicago to spend a year as an Endoscopy Research Fellow in the Centre for Endoscopic Research and Therapeutics (CERT) of the University of Chicago Medical Centre with Professor Irving Waxman. In the USA his research was focused in advanced endoscopic imaging for diagnosis of Early Barrett’s neoplasia, endotherapy for Barrett’s oesophagus and new approaches for endoscopic biliary access and advanced EUS techniques. He returned to his original post in Spain where he helped in setting up in Asturias one of the first units in the country offering endoscopic treatment for early Barrett’s neoplasia.
He moved to Nottingham in 2012 to progress in his training as an interventional endoscopist and completed an Advanced Endoscopy Fellowship with Professor Krish Ragunath, being EUS and endoscopic therapies for early GI neoplasia his main fields of interest. He was appointed as a Consultant Gastroenterologist in Nottingham in 2016.
His research activity includes advanced endoscopic imaging, early Upper GI neoplasia diagnosis and minimally invasive endoscopic therapy of early Upper GI cancer. He has developed close research collaborations with Cambridge, UCL and Amsterdam groups.