Patient Journey

Endoscopy Procedure Referral Received

Depending on the type of referral, the time frame for your required attendance for the procedure will vary:

  • 2 Week Wait Referral: You will need to have your procedure within 14 days of receiving your referral.
  • 2 Week Wait Direct to Test Referral: You will need to have your procedure within 14 days of receiving your referral.
  • Urgent Referral: You will be required to have your procedure within 21 days of receiving your referral.
  • Routine Referral: You will need to have your procedure within 41 days of receiving your referral.
  • Planned/Surveillance Referral: You should have your procedure within 41 days from your planned date.

You will receive a text message notifying you of a received referral and the requested procedure, you can review information about your procedure via the website before being contacted by the department.

Patient Contact:

A member of the endoscopy administrative team will contact you via telephone to schedule your procedure within the required time frame. They will discuss the procedure details, necessary preparation, and address any medication queries. After finalising the details and agreeing on a date, you will receive confirmation of the appointment date, time, procedure information, and pre-procedure information via post. Additionally, you will receive a reminder text message containing the same information available on the website.

Please Note: For routine patients, the administrative team can offer only three unique dates and times for your appointment within a six-week period. If you cannot attend within six weeks of the telephone call, you will be referred back to your clinician/GP for the next steps.


You will receive a confirmation letter detailing your appointment date/time, information about your procedure, pre-procedure information, and for colonoscopy procedures, bowel preparation and instructions.

You will also receive a text message reminder 5 days prior to the appointment, and 2 days before, you will receive a telephone call and another text message reminder.

If you have any questions or need to rebook your appointment, please contact the endoscopy department. For appointments at City Hospital or Treatment Centre, call 0115 962 8034. If your procedure is at the Queen's Medical Centre, call 0115 970 9060.

Please Note: If you have not received this information through the post within 5 days of your procedure, please contact the endoscopy department. 

On the Day of the Procedure

Travelling to your appointment

Public transport and parking information for the Queen's Medical Centre and Treatment Centre can be found here Travel by car and parking | NUH

Public transport and parking information for the City Hospital can be found here Travel by car and parking | NUH

Please note you may only use public transport or drive yourself if you have not had sedation. If you are having sedation, please ensure you arrange alternative transport home following your procedure. 

Main Reception

Your appointment location will be detailed within your confirmation letter and in your text message correspondence.

When you arrive, check in at reception and take a seat.

Admission/Booking in Room

A nurse will complete some paperwork with you to ensure we have all the correct information needed to complete your procedure and keep you safe. You will talk in private about your procedure and answer any questions you may have before asking you to sign your consent form.

If needed, you will be given a gown to change into.

Sub-Waiting Room

Wait in the endoscopy unit waiting room to be called through for your procedure.

Procedure Room

This is where your procedure will take place.


Once your procedure is complete, you will be taken to the recovery area where the nursing staff will monitor you for a short time to ensure you are well enough to go home.


You will be given information about your procedure and any follow-up instructions that you need before you go home.

Please remember:

  • Your appointment time is the time you will be admitted to the Endoscopy unit, not the time that you will have your test.
  • There is usually more than one endoscopy list running so other people may be called through before you.
  • We do all that we can to allow the necessary time to do any particular test but sometimes things take longer than expected which may cause delays. We are very grateful for your patience in this circumstance; please be assured every patient gets the time needed to complete their test safely and thoroughly, including you.